To develop our personal, social and emotional skills we gathered for our special circle time.

This week we focused our learning on:
• Simple strategies for managing emotions and behaviour.
• Understanding that we have choices and these choices can impact how we feel and respond.
• How we can say sorry and forgive like Jesus.

We began our circle time by discussing that sometimes, our feelings make us want to act a certain way. We talked about what actions are and how they can have an effect. We then discussed that these actions can have consequences and  if we are unkind to people when we’re angry, we might upset people or hurt their feelings.

We listened to the story ‘Daisy’s Birthday,’ which showed us that sometimes we let our feelings take over our thinking. Our feelings can sometimes cause us to act badly towards our friends, which have the consequence of them being upset.

Finally we talked about what forgiveness means. We all get things wrong and make mistakes, but when we say sorry to God, He forgives us because He loves us. Just like God forgives us, He wants us to forgive others.

We learnt a special verse from Matthew 7:12-15; ‘So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.’

God will help us to forgive others, just like He helps us with everything!

We will try hard to put our learning into practice next week by saying sorry and forgiving others.

One comment on “Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Choices

  1. Weslley - Reception says:

    At home I am practicing managing my emotions and behaviour while playing with my brother. My mum always talk about good and bad choices and how these choices can impact how I feel at the end of the day.
    I sometimes put myself in someone else’s shoes and this helps me to understand and say sorry and forgive.
    I pray to each day be able to follow Jesus’s path.

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