Firstly, a big congratulations to all of Year 1 on their excellent assembly today. They all sang beautifully and said their lines so clearly! Well done.

Year 1 have also been working so hard on their phonics since coming back from half term. After revising some sounds that we already know, we looked at growing the code this morning. That means we connect and link up all of the digraphs and trigraphs that we know make the same sound. Grouping them helps us to decide which grapheme (letters) matches the correct word. Today we were growing the code for the phoneme (sound) /or/ and we saw that we can use the graphemes or, oor, au, aur and aw to make that sound. We read some words with those different sounds and then we practiced writing different words on our whiteboards. Lastly, we practiced writing in our books different words from all of the sounds that we have learnt this week. We were so concentrated when we were writing today. We also wrote a sentence using phonetically decodable words and tricky words. Well done for working so hard on your phonics Year 1!

One comment on “Phonics in Year 1

  1. I like phonics because I like to learn phonics.

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