In this week’s outdoor PE lesson, Year 4 put the skills they have learnt over this half term to the test in doubles rallies!

We began the lesson by playing ‘cops and robbers’ to warm up. With 4 people in each team, the robber and his friends had to dodge the cop without letting go of each other. This game really got us thinking about how to move our feet and work as a team, something we would have to use later on in the lesson.

Once we had warmed up, we split into partners. We re-capped how to rally the tennis ball back and forth and then we had a competition!

Our task was to throw the ball over the ‘net’ and for our partner to catch it after only one bounce!

We then moved in to rallying with rackets. This was much harder, but Coach Ed and Coach Elise reminded us how to hold the rackets, serve the ball and to use the forehand stroke to hit the ball.

The class practiced everything they had learnt so far before joining another pair for a doubles match!

We spent some time rallying the ball using the forehand stroke and quickly realised that the key to a successful rally is moving your feet and hitting the ball gently. After we practiced, we competed against our doubles pairs to see who could gain the most points!

Thank you to the QPR coaches for leading such a brilliant lesson for us.

What has been your favourite part of our tennis unit with QPR?

3 comments on “Physical Education in Year 4

  1. Grace Kirchner says:

    I really enjoyed tennis! It was so fun and I can practice tennis for my tennis lessons outside of school.

  2. Margaux Year 4 says:

    What I enjoyed in PE was playing tennis and playing the police man game, It was soo fun! 💖

  3. Heloise Year 4 says:


    Dear Mr. Kersys,
    I really enjoy Tennis and I do it for 1:30 minutes on Wednesdays with people 7 and up.
    I also really like playing Tennis at school!

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