Today the Year 5 members of the  Pupil Chaplaincy Team and future members in Year 4 visited St Mary’s School in Hampstead for a special Chaplaincy Team day. First we travelled on the tube to the school, a very hot start to the day!

Once we were at the school, Deacon Liam led our Pupil Chaplaincy Team, alongside many others from Catholic schools in Westminster, in great warm up games. The games helped everyone move around the space, and get to know many of the other Pupil Chaplaincy Teams from all of the other schools.

Deacon Liam then gathered everyone, and he lead a re-enactment of the miracle The Feeding of the Five Thousand. He showed us how we can use role play and tableaux to recreate the miracles from the Bible in a fun and creative way. All of the pupils present were placed into groups, and all asked to create their own tableaux of key stories in the Bible that are important to them. He told the Pupil Chaplaincy Teams that through acting and role-play, we can help our peers relate to the Bible stories, and demonstrate how important the events of Jesus’s life are. Key stories from the Bible can help us and guide us through our lives, so it is key to revisit them in fun and creative ways.

The children sat in groups, mixed with children from all schools. Our groups were lead by Year 10 Pupil Chaplains, who were a great example of how Chaplaincy continues throughout secondary school. Each group was given a potato to study and learn its appearance. The groups then had to return their potato to the centre of the room, and try to spot their potato! The message behind this activity, was to think about how we treat one another, how we may judge or overlook people based on their looks, attributes or where they are from. However, we are all born with equal dignity, and God knows each and every one of us. He made us, and loves every part of us. We should remember his love that comes with no judgement, and treat others this way too.

Before lunch time we gathered for some  Lectio Divina , Holy reading time, to increase our knowledge of God’s word. We listened to passages of scripture, Psalm 139 and asked God to speak to us through prayer as we read. We heard the scripture three times, each time thinking deeper about the meaning of the words. Through meditation we thought about what lines speak to us, how do the words make us feel, and what does this show us about Gods love that we can apply to our lives and actions.

To end the amazing day, the children were mixed into groups of all different schools. Their task was to choose a team member and dress them up as a Superhero, thinking about their power and how this can help our world. This was a great way of celebrating God’s world and remembering how even though we are not Superheroes, God’s love and guidance can help us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Well done to the Pupil Chaplaincy Team for being brilliant representatives of our school!

2 comments on “Pupil Chaplaincy Team Trip

  1. Gabriella Y6 says:

    I hope you enjoyed your trip as you guys look like you had an amazing time!!!

  2. Mr. Kersys says:

    Well done everyone! We had a wonderful day yesterday and I am so excited to see all of the brilliant ideas you will come up with for Chaplaincy activities next year 🙂

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