This week in Year 3, we have been creating artwork based on our new topic in Religious Education, Pentecost.

Wr recounted the events of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles and based on Acts 2:2-5: ‘ Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.  They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them’.

For our art we used different fabrics to represent the different Apostles and the different languages they spoke. We showed the tongues of fire that touched their heads with flames by using tissue paper.

Your art work turned out beautifully Year 3 and you worked really hard to create your pieces!

What did you enjoye when creating art about the events of Pentecost?

11 comments on “Religious Education in Year 3

  1. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    I really enjoyed creating the apostles by cutting out different printed fabrics and then using the tissue paper to make the tongues of fire. Super fun RE art activity!! Thank you Mr. Kersys and all my teachers who planned this for us.

  2. Phillyppe says:

    I loved having to make the Apostles.
    For our art we used different fabrics to represent the different Apostles and the different languages they spoke. We showed the tongues of fire that touched their heads with flames by using tissue paper.

  3. Hermine Year 3 says:

    I really liked this activity. Some of it was quite hard. I went absolutely crazy when the tissue paper got stuck to my fingers!

  4. It was so much fun and for our art we used different fabrics to represent the different Apostles and the different languages they spoke. We showed the tongues of fire that touched their heads with flames by using tissue paper.

  5. I love art thank you Mr Kersys

  6. I loved creating this piece of artwork thank you to all the adults who helped organise the activity.

  7. Anna Y3😎 says:

    I simply adored this activity. I enjoyed how we went up in steps. I was happy to help others when I was done. Everything was very hard especially the flames on each of the five apostles heads. The fabric was hard to cut and draw. It was a challenge but I managed to finish it. It looked so easy but it was the complete opposite. I struggled on some of the steps. Every step was equally hard.

  8. Charles year3 says:

    The art was very fun and a bit messy.

  9. Florence Y3 says:

    Doing this was so fun! I loved the different types of fabric, they are so lovely!
    Thank you Mr. Kersys for planning this activity!

  10. It was great thanks to all the teacher!

  11. It was very fun.

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