Here at St. Vincent’s we really value physical activity so we were thrilled to receive a School Games Award for 2019-2020. The School Games Award is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Although competitive sport is currently paused,  during the Autumn and Spring terms we took part in a variety of Westminster tournaments including Cross Country, Netball, Swimming and Athletics. We also enjoyed some friendly matches with neighbouring schools. 

Having spent more time inside, it is even more important that we get out and get active this summer! 


What are the benefits of keeping active? 

  • It helps us to sleep better

  • It gives us more energy

  • It makes us stronger

  • It helps our heart to become healthier

  • It makes us happier! 

All pretty good reasons in my opinion!



So, how can you keep active this summer? 

  1. Head out on a walk. You could explore a local park or take your family on a walk after planning your route using a map. Perhaps you could become an explorer and complete this Nature Scavenger Hunt! Click here to access it 🙂 
  2. Go cycling. If you have a bike, head out with your parents or siblings on a bike ride. We all know that London is a busy city, so click here to read about ‘Family Friendly Traffic Free’ routes!
  3. Get some chalk and draw your own ‘Hopscotch‘ grid or ‘Twister‘ mat and play with your family! Don’t worry as it will wash away in the rain 🙂
  4. If you can’t easily get outside then what about having a go at these fun Disney indoor games!? Click here to find them
  5. Or if you like animals, try one of ‘Andy’s Wild Workouts’ on CBBC! Click here to find them.
  6. Why don’t you teach your parents, grandparents or siblings your favourite game to play at school!? You could go to the park and play tag, hide and seek, dodgeball or skip together! 
  7. Or, you could ask your parents or grandparents to teach you a game that they played when they were at school!
  8. Head to the park with a frisbee, tennis ball, football or rugby ball and play with your family.


It is important to find something that makes you smile because getting active is all about having fun! 

If you have any other suggestions, please do comment below as we would all love to read them! 



Stay active St. Vincent’s 🙂



2 comments on “School Games Award 2019-2020

  1. Wow this is a really cool achievement!

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m glad you think so 🙂 Thanks for commenting Ariella!

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