For our Science lesson as part of our States of Matter topic, we observed different processes that matter can change state by making Rice Krispie cakes!

We began by discussing the different states of matter we have already learnt about previously this half term: solids, liquids and gases.

Year 4 learnt that we can change the states of matter through heating and cooling. For example, if we heat a solid such as ice, it will turn into a liquid through melting. We also learnt that these changes are reversible. Gases can be turned back into a liquid through condensation, and liquids can be turned back into solids through freezing.

To make our Rice Krispie cakes we used some of our Maths skills to measure out our dry ingredients with scales. We then observed evaporation when we boiled water for our Bain Marie, melting when we melted the chocolate and freezing when we placed the finished cakes into the freezer to cool down and solidify.

Everyone took turns mixing and placing the chocolatey Rice Krispies in their cake cases (and best of all, decorating them with sprinkles!).

Well done Year 4 for your brilliant effort during our lesson. What a lovely way to end Assessment Week! 

What did you observe during our Science lesson today?

13 comments on “Science in Year 4

  1. Tomi year 4 says:

    I love what we did today in Science. I like it👍

  2. What a fun (and tasty) way to learn! One question year 4…..where was my Rice Krispie cake??

  3. Heloise Y4 says:

    THEY WERE DELICIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Margaux 💞 says:

    This was the best Rice Krispie Cake ever and it tasted so good! Thank you for the teachers who set this up! 😊😋

  5. These Rice Krispie treats where delicious, thank you for the lesson.

  6. These Rice Krispie cakes were delicious !!!!!!!!!!

  7. Gabrielle🌈 says:

    I really enjoyed making rice krispie cakes they were absoluntley delicoius!

  8. It was the best science lesson ever ! That rice krispie cake was amazing and I loved to see the states of matter. 👌😍

  9. Jaidee 🧿 says:

    Thank You Teachers !!!

  10. Heloise Mitterlehner Y4 says:

    Loved it!!!🥣🍥

  11. Isabella Manning says:

    I LOVED doing this experiment! The Rice Krispie cakes were AMAZING!


  12. This experiment was amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. The Rice Krispie cakes were so fun to make! It was soo delicious and it was very interesting to see all the states of matter. Thank you so much for allowing us to do this experiment Mr Kersys.☺️

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