Today was the beginning of ‘World Week’ at St. Vincent’s! 

The theme of World Week this year is ‘connecting’.

It was wonderful to take time to connect with God through prayer and reflection and think of our global neighbours during Spirituality Day. 

The Pupil Chaplaincy Team led lots of creative activities for everyone to reflect on how we can grow closer to God to each other around the world.  

EYFS learnt that God created the world and all of the special things in it. We began by singing ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’ and thinking about how much we love the world.

We then had a carousel of activities such as making a collage of the Earth, thinking of things we love in our world such as the plants, animals and our friends, as well as something or someone we would like to thank God for. 

The children floated their prayers in the water and had some quiet time to reflect about the world. 

Years 1, 2 and 3 heard a special message from Pope Francis’ ‘Fratelli Tutti’ letter and reflected on how we can be good neighbours to one another and spread love and peace to everyone across the world. 

In their carousel of activities the children enjoyed decorating outlines of the Earth with words and symbols of what a perfect work would look like if we always followed Pope Francis’ message, creating a prayer chain by writing prayers of hope for those around the world and thinking of questions they would like to ask God about what they wonder about the world and it’s creation. 

We ended our session by remembering God’s grace and wish for us all to respect one another by saying ‘Our Father’ together. 

Years 4, 5 and 6 also heard about Pope Francis’ ‘Fratelli Tutti’ letter and discussed how a lack of mutual respect for one another can lead to divisions and walls of the heart in our world. 

In their carousel of activities, the children took time to decorate broken love hearts with symbols and words of what we can do to heal divisions between our global neighbours and spread love and peace around the world, writing wonder questions on jigsaw puzzle pieces about the events and lives of others around the world and finally writing and floating prayers of hope in water, praying for those who are suffering and facing hardships around the world. 

We ended our session by joining in prayer together for our global family. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Spirituality Day activities! We hope you enjoyed them. 

A big thank you to the Pupil Chaplaincy Team for all of your hard work today, we couldn’t have done it without you!

2 comments on “Spirituality Day

  1. graceanne y6 says:

    It was really fun and this was the time to connect with others. A big thank you to the Pupil Chaplaincy Team for all of your hard work today, we couldn’t have done it without you!

  2. Gabriella y6 says:

    I really enjoyed spirituality day and thank you to Mr Kersys,Pupil chaplains and Miss Walsh. It was really fun when we got to float our prayers on water and I enjoyed everything.

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