We loved celebrating World Book Day today! It was great to see everyone’s costumes and the characters they chose to come as.

We started the day with a whole school assembly where the theme of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ was revealed. All the staff were dressed as the different characters so it was fun to work out who everyone was. We then had the whole school parade where each class paraded around the hall so we could see everyone’s characters.

Then we came back to class for our carousel with Year 3. Mr Kersys read us the part of the story where Willy Wonka shows the children his inventing room. We then invented our own sweets that Willy Wonka could make, with some exciting additions! Back in Year 4, we wrote a persuasive letter to Willy Wonka to persuade him to make our sweets.

We took part in the BBC Live Lesson which was specially made for World Book Day and then we had some time looking at poetry. We watched Michael Rosen perform his poem ‘Chocolate Cake’ and thought about how he varied his tone, volume, speed and facial expressions to make his poem exciting and funny. We worked in groups and decided how we were going to perform it, had some time to practise it and then performed it to the class.

We ended the day with family reading where we got to read with our classmates, siblings and parents. What a great World Book Day!


5 comments on “World Book Day in Year 4

  1. James yr4 says:

    This day was AMAZING!!!

  2. I had so much fun! I Hope everyone enjoyed World Book Day as much as I did.

  3. It was so fun! I really enjoyed dressing up for world book day!

  4. It was so fun on book day and it was funny to see everyone costumes!

  5. Rosa :year 4:) says:

    It was wonderful and everyone’s costumes were amazing
    thank you teachers 🙂

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