This week, Reception have enjoyed celebrating World Week! This year’s World Week has given us the opportunity to celebrate the world we live in and think about how we connect with others and celebrate the different places we are from.

Spirituality Day
We began the week with ‘Spirituality Day.’ Our focus for spirituality day was thinking about the world in which God created and how we can come together and connect with God. We listened to the story of Chikondi the Giraffe. The story told us that it was important for everyone to be included and for everyone to be treated equally. We shared our own experiences about a time we might have felt left out and talked about how we could include everyone. We made our own posters to show how we can include everyone.

Mental Health and Wellbeing
To continue our learning during world week, we then focused on the theme ‘Mental Health and Well-being.’ We welcomed Holistic Therapist Amy and had a special breathing workshop with her. Breathing is a useful tool and life strategy for supporting our mental health. Slow, calm, deep breathing can help us relax, manage stress, relieve anxiety, and get a good night’s sleep among many other things. Amy shared some simple breathing exercises with us. These made us feel calm and relaxed. We now have some useful exercises we can use if we ever need a quiet, calm moment.

Safer Internet Day
Later in the week we celebrated ‘Safer Internet Day.’ We focused the topic, ‘Making a difference and navigating change online.’ We listened to a story about Smartie the Penguin who came across different problems on his tablet. We helped Smartie the Penguin solve the different problems by giving him the best advice. We then made our own posters to show what we could do if we need help online.

Cultural Day
Today was our final day of world week! Today we focused on the theme of ‘St Vincent’s Cultural Day,’ where we celebrated how we are connected to others around the world. We had a special cultural assembly where we celebrated all of the different cultures we have in our school family. We listened to our friends around the school performing something as part of their families country. In class we talked about our similarities and differences among our families, communities and traditions. It was wonderful to celebrate all of the different cultures we have in our school and share traditions with each other!

4 comments on “World Week in Reception!

  1. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    Your outfits on Friday are fabulous.

  2. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    You all made a great effort representing your countries. You all look so smart.

  3. I enjoyed World Week, I liked hearing about all of the different languages people speak. I liked the assembly and all the different clothes everyone wore from different countries.

  4. Me and my sister sang hallelujah in hebrew and I liked the other shows.

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