This morning Year 3 performed their wonderful assembly all about Rivers and Flooding.

They taught us all about the water cycle. We couldn’t believe that we drink the same water that the dinosaurs did! They shared lots of information about the features of a river, why they flood and how cleverly designed barriers help stop flooding. There was lots of wonderful singing and music as well!

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Year 3!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

8 comments on “Year 3 Assembly

  1. Mr. Kersys says:

    A big well done to Year 3! You have all worked so hard during rehearsals and I am very proud of our assembly! 🙂

  2. ☆noah☆ says:

    I really liked year 3’s class assembly.
    I learned so much from you.

  3. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    I loved being part of my assembly. Ive learnt so much about the water cycle, floods and rivers. Thank you to Mr. Kersys and all my teachers for their continuous support and guidance.
    Thank you Mr. Hylton for the music. 🎶
    Year 3 is the best!!

  4. The assembly went amazing and I loved my part!

  5. It was too good to be true!

  6. Alexander and Phillip says:


  7. At first I was very scared that I would forget my lines but after all it went very well .

  8. Miss Forster Adams says:

    Well done for a fantastic assembly, Year 3!
    You’ve been learning so much about rivers and the water cycle. You spoke your lines so clearly and sang some brilliant songs too. You should be very proud of yourselves.
    Well done to Mr Kersys, Mrs O’Neill, Ms Robertson, Ms Portugal and Mr Hylton for all of their hard work.

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