This morning Year 6 performed their fantastic assembly all about The Kingdom of Benin.

They started with some wonderful drumming that definitely made sure we were paying attention before teaching us all about the history of The Kingdom of Benin. It was interesting to learn about the different perspectives throughout history and to remember the importance of learning from the past so that we don’t make the same mistakes. There was some wonderful singing and even more drumming that we all very much enjoyed!

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Year 6!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

35 comments on “Year 6 Assembly

  1. KhloeπŸ˜ŠπŸ’• says:

    I loved your assembly and the songs.

  2. I loved the assembly and I think that we did reallllllllyyyyyyyyyyy welll

  3. This assembly was super fun but I am sad it was our last assembly.

  4. I loved the assembly because of all the facts and the non fiction. All of all your costumes are so fabulous and realistic. I can`t believe it is your last assembly before your production. Happy last assembly

  5. β˜†NOAH YEAR 5 β˜† says:

    I really liked Year 6’s assembly. They taught me lots of knowledge about the Kingdom of Benin. I wish I could watch it again in person! Thank you Year 6πŸŽ‰πŸ˜

  6. Sophia Mariaβ€˜s family says:

    Well done year 6! We really enjoyed watching your assembly which was very informative. We loved your drumming!

  7. Alexander YR3 says:

    Great work Year6, I really enjoyed learning the historical facts about my culture. I feel so proud that my family are from the Kingdom of Benin in Edo state Nigeria.

  8. Genesis Y2 says:

    Well done year six. I loved your assembly.

  9. Alexandra Y3 πŸ₯°πŸ˜β€ says:

    I loved the assembly especially the drumming! Fabulous drumming Y6!! πŸ₯πŸ₯

  10. Catherine Yr6 says:

    The assembly is my favourite so far as I loved the drumming but I am upset this is our last assembly until the production (β—”β€Ώβ—”)

  11. It was super fun and I loved the songs. I also loved the costumes.

  12. I really enjoyed the Assembly and my favourite part was the drumming. I really enjoyed the solo and all the people who did solos had great voices. Im so sad it is our last assembly then the production.

  13. I HAD LOTS OF FUN DOING THE ASSEMBLY. I learnt a lot about Africa and The kingdom of Benin.

  14. The assembly was fun. My favourite part was the drumming.

  15. The assembly was so much fun and I loved drumming. I can’t believe it was our last assembly before our production.

  16. LAYLA YEAR 6 (^_^) says:

    I really enjoyed acting out our assembly, and I am very proud that I did a duet with Sophia B. I’m sad because this was our last assembly, but now we have THE PRODUCTION. (^_^)

  17. I think that the class assembly went really well lots of us said our lines clearly. Sad that was it was are last one before the production.

  18. I loved playing the drums and saying my lines. It was great.

  19. RexπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰ says:

    It was fun wearing jewellery in School even though its made of paper and string

  20. Sophia B yr6 says:

    This assembly was so fun! I loved the songs and drumming.

  21. I rather enjoyed the assembly but I am sad that it is our last assembly before the production.

  22. Romey year6 says:

    I really loved performing this assembly ,sadly this was our last one before the production.It was so much fun.

  23. I doing the assembly it was soo fun and I learned so many things just from learning my lines.

  24. I loved doing this assembly and loved doing the drumming. The songs were also very good! I can not believe it was our last assembly until the big production!!!

  25. My favourite part of the assembly was the drumming and the songs we drummed. This was definitly one of my favourites so far.

  26. I loved the assembly. My favourite part was the drumming. I can’t wait for the production

  27. It was a a lot of fun learning my lines and singing the songs. My favourite was probably the song of the Kingdom of Benin as I enjoyed using the drums.

  28. This was really fun especially the drumming. The soloists were really good and its sad that this is our last assembly until our big production ! πŸ‘

  29. Isabella y6 says:

    I loved our assembly so much it was so fun.

  30. This assembly was so fun to perform, I loved drumming and singing especially because it was my last assembly.

  31. I think we did really well.

  32. James yr4πŸ’©πŸ€ͺ😎 says:

    To me, the drumming was fabulous but l enjoyed every part !

  33. Julia year 5 says:

    Wow, year six I really really really really really loved your assembly! Even though the drumming was loud, I really enjoyed the drumming.

  34. Florence Y3 says:

    Well done Year 6! I loved your drumming!πŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  35. Anna Y3 πŸ˜‰ says:

    I adored your assembly Y6! I loved all of your songs and the drumming was superb ! 😁

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