In our English lessons, we have been reading the poem ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake. 

We discussed the figurative language used by the poet and identified features such as rhyming structure and the use of questions in the poem. We also looked for clues that tell us how the poet feels about tigers.
Then we planned and wrote our own poems about animals, inspired by William Blake’s poem.

Can you work out how each poet feels about their chosen animal?

29 comments on “English: Poetry Writing

  1. This was so much fun because we got to write a poem about an animal we love (I did a horse)in the the style of a famous poet called William Blake. Not only we got to express our selves through writing we also learnt how poetry doesn’t have to rhyme . Now year 6 are officially poets!yay.

  2. I really loved writing a poem about an axolotl as they’re not well known and they are really mysterious creatures. It was such a fun experience so I hope we get to do something like this this again!

  3. Madeleine y6 says:

    I had so much fun writing this poem and I think I added lots of rhyming words.

  4. I had a lot of fun writing in the style of William Blake and it was quite hard to think of rhymes.

  5. In my poem i talked about the koala. Writing this poem was so fun because i loved writing the poem and drawing to make it more colourful. The hardest part was drawing a koala because im bad at drawing animals.

  6. I really loved writing these poems and I hope that we can do something like this again because it was really fun !

  7. I enjoyed writing my poem and maybe want to do it again but if I did it again I would chose a different animal.

  8. Even though I was not there this looks really fun to do I wish I can do it .

  9. Isabella😊😊 says:

    I loved using rhymes to write a poem about a sloth. Some words were challenging to find a rhyme for but I found an assonance for it.

  10. Constance says:

    I love writing poems. In my poem I added a lot of assonance and alliteration as well as metaphors and similies. I hope we can do this again soon.

  11. I LOVED writing my poem because it was SO fun to challenge myself by trying to make it rhyme!

  12. Even though, I wasnt there for the rewrite it was really fun creating the poem and mine was the only Giraffe which was create.

  13. I had so much fun writing my poem because i got to write freely about one of my favourite animals.

  14. I really liked writing this poem as it was really fun to to rhyme it and I loved illustrating it.

  15. Julian y6 says:

    I thought at first that rhyming was easy and extremely simple but I learned how difficult something thought to be easy was.

  16. Sophie yr6 says:

    In this poem, I put some rhyming words to make it like William Blake. It was so fun to write it and decorate it.

  17. This was really fun. I hope we make more poems in the future.

  18. I will liked it i had so much fun

  19. Hollirose says:

    I really liked writing the poem and decorating it .

  20. I loved writing this poem because I find that writing poems are very calm and interesting!!!!!

  21. George y6 says:

    I really liked creating our poems It was really exiting and doing the illustration was also very fun – my poem is about a penguin 🐧🐧.

  22. It was really fun. The animal I chose was a monkey.

  23. It was so much fun making my owl poem, although it was very tricky. I really enjoyed writing in the style of William Blake and reading his tyger poem.

  24. Albert Y6 says:

    I loved doing the poem and at fist I thought this poem was going to be easy but it turns out being a poet is hard.

  25. It was so fun writing in the style of William Blake. I tried to use old language, and still make it rhyme!

  26. Henry🧑 says:

    I loved doing the poem and my favourite bit was illustrating it at the end !🐕🐕🛀 I did the dog. !

  27. Writing the poem was so much fun. I had to think a lot about it and make some changes.

  28. Catherine says:

    I loved writing my poem because we were able to use more figurative language and rhymes which I enjoyed

  29. Writing a poem was very fun and I am super happy with mine, designing the poem was also fun even though it was a bit hard, I hope we do something like this again.

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