Hello Class 4!

A fun art activity for you today to end our second week of online learning.

There won’t be 3 class blogs a day during the Easter holidays, but if you want to carry on writing on our class blogs throughout the holidays you can!

You have all done so well to complete the tasks set each day on the class blogs so enjoy some well deserved rest over the holidays.Β 

I hope you find this art activity fun! πŸ˜€

In school, some of us looked at the work of Vincent Van Gogh (look at the latest Year 4 news post).

We looked at how he uses colour to create mood and feeling in his art and tried to use this technique in our own paintings of volcanoes.

Vincent Van Gogh created so many wonderful art pieces and his work is recognised all over the world. From still life images to self-portraits, Vincent Van Gogh was a skilled artist.

Your Task:

Research Vincent Van Gogh.

You might want to write a few paragraphs on this blog about what you have found out, or create a fact file about him on paper at home or in your yellow home learning book (you can always send a picture of this to me to put on the blog).

Some useful links:



Then, get creative!

Vincent Van Gogh was a post-impressionist, meaning his work focused on line, colour and emotion.


Create your own piece of art work, either by drawing or painting. You could even make a collage if you do not have paints or colouring pencils at home.

You could create your own image/art work in style of Vincent Van Gogh’s work, or using similar techniques. Or choose ANY piece of Vincent Van Gogh’s art work and try to recreate it. Then, post your pictures on the blog (or email them).

It would be great to be sent lots of pictures so that I can add them all to this blog and then we can all admire each other’s fabulous artistic skills!

Take your time and enjoy! You could play your favourite songs and enjoy creating your masterpiece!

I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!

From Miss Lee πŸ˜€


16 comments on “Art – Friday 3rd April 2020

    Vincent Van Gogh is one of the worlds most famous artist [painter]. The paintings that he normally does are sunflowers. He was born over 140 years ago in a country called Holland. He used to draw and paint the people that worked on the farm. He even painted them when they ate the potatoes they grew on the farm. Holland was a dark and gloomy place, so he used dark colours in his paintings. When they moved to France, he saw all of the bright colours on the land. So he started to use brighter colours in his paintings to match what he saw. Fun fact, his favourite colour is yellow because it is the colour of the sun and warmth.

    Not all the people liked his paintings, but that didn’t stop him from doing what he loved. Guess what, he only sold two whole paintings in his entire life! His sunflower paintings are famous all over the world.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great facts Holly! You have done lots of research!
    I love that Vincent Van Gogh continued painting even though some people did not like his work… what great determination he had!
    I remember painting his sunflower picture when I was at school!

  3. Vincent Willem Van Gogh was a Dutch impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures of western art.In just over a decade , he created about 2,100 artworks including around 860 oil paintings, most of which date from the last two years of his life , one of his most famous paintings was sunflowers that is in the national gallery in London .he was never a famous painter when he was alive and only became famous when died along time ago.his most expensive painting was portrait of Dr.gachet that was sold for 148.6 million dollars in 1999.It was believed to cut his own ear off but he only took a part of his earlobe off after a argument with his friend .

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Albert! You have found lots of information!
    Have you every been to the national gallery and seen Vincent Van Gogh’s sunflower painting?

  5. Vincent Willem Van Goh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter who is among the most famous influential figure in the history of western art. His paintings characterised by bold colours, dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushworks leads to the foundation of modern art.
    I like his painting ‘The Starry Night’ in an oil canvas which he painted in June 1889. It is a view from a window of Van Gogh ‘s asylum room just before sunrise. This inspires me to paint mount Fiji in Japan wherein I focused on lines, colours and my emotion.
    Miss Lee, I’ve sent a poster of my art work in our School email.

  6. I really want to see this painting Clare.
    Do you think you can describe it?
    I want to hear some more please.
    Do you know any fun facts you want to share?

  7. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Clare and I LOVED your poster! Fantastic work!

  8. Vincent Van Gogh

    Born on 30th of March 1853, Vincent Willem Van Gogh was a dutch painter who made lots of famous art pieces including, Starry Night , Sunflower and The Bedroom. He died on 29th of July 1890. People remember him for his paintings. Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear!

  9. Miss Lee says:

    Some interesting facts, thank you Aisha!

  10. Pablo :o says:

    I have made a night time picture of the moon in the same style as Van Gogh, using pastels in bright contrasting colours, which I will stick into my yellow book.

  11. WOW!
    Did you discover any painting techniques?
    I would like to hear some for if I paint ? something.

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Wonderful! Can you upload a picture of it so that we can all see?

  13. I posted my picture on the download link.

  14. Miss Lee says:

    A fabulous picture Martin! Thank you!

  15. Vincent Van goh was a Dutch painter ?‍?. He is one of the most famous influential artist in the history of western arts.His full name is Vincent Willem Van goh.He uses different surfaces of the paint brush. Vincent also uses different type of paint brushes and colours to explain the feelings of how you might feel if you were in the

    Two of my favorite paintings of this fabulous painter are β€˜the stary night β€˜ which was painted on June 1889.
    Vincent Willem Van goh had this view from his asylum room when just before sunrise.

    The other painting that I really liked was the sunflower ? one.He had view of this wonderful plant when he was observing his house. He saw this outstanding sunflower and decided to paint it.
    This became one of his very famous paintings in 1892.

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Some great research Stella! It is wonderful to hear what you think about his paintings too! Did you know you can see the sunflower painting in the national gallery in London? Have you every been?
    Are you going to try and paint one of Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings?

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