Today’s Maths Task: To find the perimeter of shapes.

Good morning, Year 5

As your parents now have access to Maths No Problem, I will be setting daily worksheets for you to complete at home. They may be worksheets that you may have already attempted in class but that’s okay! It’s important that you revise and practise your skills.

Today you will be practising and revising your skill of finding the perimeter.

A perimeter is the total distance around the edge of a 2D shape.

To work out the perimeter, you simply have to add (+) up the lengths of all the sides.

Please watch this BBC Bitesize video demonstrating how to find a perimeter.

Here is an example of how to find the perimeter of different figures by either counting squares or using a ruler. As you can see the lengths of all the sides have been added up to find the answer.

Today’s task:  Maths No Problem Workbook 5B , Chapter 12, Worksheet 1: Finding the Perimeter Workbook pages: 131-132

and  Worksheet 2: Finding the Perimeter Workbook pages: 133-134

You do not need to print these out – you can simply using your yellow books to show your working out and write your answers. You or your parents can then mark it as you now have access to the answers 🙂

Therefore you will not be required to write your answer in the blog comments section as before. Please do comment if you need help or have any questions about the task. Also, please read each other’s comments and help each other out if you can! It is important we stay in touch and talk to each other about maths using mathematical language just like we did in the classroom 🙂

If you finish this activity and would like to learn more maths, please head over to our Home Learning page and scroll down to ‘Maths’ to find more websites you can enjoy. As always, White Rose Maths have a daily lesson that you can complete.

Good luck!

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

18 comments on “Maths (Wed 22.4.20)

  1. I found the work fairly easy as I learnt perimeter just the other week. I have written everything down into my yellow book and I will check the work with my parents.I hope everyone is doing well! Lots of love, Lavinia

  2. Fantastic!

  3. For questions 1. c) and 2. c) it’s difficult to measure the perimeter of the diagonal lines without printing the worksheet, which I can’t do, so I skipped out these questions. The rest of the worksheet went well. ?

  4. That’s annoying! Did working out what each square represented help?

  5. Thank you Mrs Avdiu I really enjoyed doing the worksheets and I will check it with my parents.

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    You’re very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  7. Hello Mrs Avdiu and Ms Robertson,
    I enjoyed today’s maths assignment.My favourite was the drawing part where we had to make our own shapes.
    Have a nice day Maia?

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for the lovely feedback Maia. I am so glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  9. Hi Y5
    Today’s math pages were a bit confusing! I didn’t know what one square stood for as there were no explanations on any page. In the end, I got double the answers as I thought one square side stood for one cm. It actually stood for half a cm! The questions with the triangles were especially tricky.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of the day!

  10. HI everyone!

    I really liked maths today! It is great to have lessons and then to do the problems.
    Have a good evening!

  11. Mrs Avdiu, I don’t have the Maths No Problem books at home. Can you please send pictures of the pages for me to my parents email? Thank you.

  12. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Ava. The MNP log in was emailed to your parents but if you are having trouble finding this email, please ask mummy or daddy to contact the office:


  13. Hello Everyone !!!

    This is what I did for maths:

    Workbook 5B
    Chapter 12
    Worksheet 1-2
    Pages 131-134

    Stay Safe

  14. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Elena. I’m sorry I could not reveal your answers as some children may not have attempted it yet! You don’t need to post your answers on the blog anymore but do make sure you mark them at home 🙂

  15. Hi everyone!
    I did these answers and I found it trickier than the one before this.
    My sister and parents marked my answers and I got most of them correct!

    I hope you all have a nice day!

  16. Well done, Kayla!

  17. Hello everyone I hope you are all well. Here are my answers

  18. Hi Mathilde, I hope you are well! I’m sorry I could not reveal your answers as some children may not have attempted it yet! You don’t need to post your answers on the blog anymore but do make sure you mark them at home ?

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