Good Morning Year 2

We’re going to carry on with our topic of time. Today’s lesson is about finding how long something takes. You will need to be able to read a clock to do this so you may want to click here to go back over yesterday’s lesson.  If you did find it a bit tricky, then you might want some extra practise first. Click here to play a game that helps you tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes – practise any of the first three levels.


Please go onto the Maths No Problem Hub and click through to find:
Textbook 2B, Chapter 14, Lesson 5 & 6 – Finding Durations of Time

Or, click on each lesson here to go straight to the lesson on the website. You will still be prompted to log in. Lesson 5 and Lesson 6

When going through the textbook, try to work through the ‘Let’s Focus’ section and come to an answer before you start checking it by going through the ‘Let’s Learn’ section. Again, some of the worksheets have questions that mean you have to draw clocks or match them to the right answer. If this is tricky to do without the worksheet, then just talk to someone in your house and point to the correct answer. They have the answers so can check your work as you go.

If you are feeling very confident with today’s activity, then there is a challenge for you to do. Click here for a time telling game, playing the 4th and 5th levels.

The best way to practise telling the time, is to try to read a clock face every time you pass a clock or look at a watch and try and work out the time. I’m glad lots of you yesterday told me that you kept trying to do this and wearing watches to practise even more!

16 comments on “Maths – Wednesday 22nd April

  1. Hello Miss Carruthers, Thank you for putting up the maths blog, I like the time worksheets and I’m going to wear my watch.

  2. I’m glad you like the time worksheets Jack. I know you get very hungry at school. Can you remember what time we go to lunch?

  3. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad you’re practising telling the tim

  4. Adrien has done all the time work. We are going to practice again today!

  5. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done.

  6. We have completed the maths lessons and workbook.

  7. Miss Carruthers says:

    Great work!

  8. Sophia found this too hard for her today so we are going to go back to basics of learning to tell the time as she was getting confused.

  9. Miss Carruthers says:

    That’s okay Sophia. Time is really tricker, but it is good to keep practising. I’m going to post different games each day that you can play to help you.

  10. Emilia and Isabella says:

    We completed as well!

  11. Miss Carruthers says:


  12. Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I finished my work. It was ok. I got sometimes confused when the time after 15 or 40 minutes passed to the other hour. I forgot to change the hour. I will keep practicing.


  13. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for having a good go today. Practising is the only way to keep learning – you’ll get it soon!

  14. All done! Sophia is very confident telling the time. Whilst she found the duration exercise (especially the minutes) difficult, the use of an actual clock helped. We will continue practising ?.

  15. I found some of it hard and some of it easy.

  16. Yes Joshua learning to tell the time can be a bit tricky. You will get there soon.

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