Good Morning Year 2!

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We’ve all been able to think about the different rules that we might have in different places. We have rules for home, school and out on the street. They are all important because they keep us safe and make things fair.

God has rules to help us live well with ourselves and each other. We can find these in the Bible. Read this passage from Colossians in which St Paul gives some very important advice:

As you are reading it, have a think about these things:

  • Which words do you like best and why?
  • Which things are hardest and why?
  • What does St Paul say is important?
  • How do you think you feel when you are at peace and when the love of Jesus fills your mind?

After you have thought about the text, you can choose which activity you want to do today:

  1. Discuss the words ‘You are God’s people, his saints’ with your family. Remember that you can be one of God’s saints by doing good deeds.  See if you can write a paragraph starting:  I am God’s saint when I …
  2. Draw a person and add labels with the most important words/attributes showing how they follow God’s rule.
  3. Make a story board or comic strip which shows the things that a kind, patient, forgiving and loving person might do.  Explain why it is important to keep rules.

Let us know on the comments below which activity you chose to do, and then send in anything you do. Can’t wait to see it 🙂

16 comments on “RE – Wednesday 3rd June

  1. Sophia B says:

    Which words do you like best and why?
    ‘love one another, help one another’ because it helps us to be kind to each other.
    Which things are hardest and why?
    It is hard to be at peace with one another all the time because I fight with my brother Rocco.

    What does St Paul say is important?
    Because we are God’s children.

    How do you think you feel when you are at peace and when the love of Jesus fills your mind?
    I feel excited.

    I am going to draw a picture and will send it in.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Very thoughtful answers. Being at peace with each other can be tricky – especially when we’re tired! Looking forward to seeing your drawing 🙂

  3. I am going to draw a picture.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m so looking forward to seeing it 🙂

  5. Catherine says:

    Dear Miss,
    I have drawn and sent my picture.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:


  7. Hello? Miss
    I am done✔ my drawing and my mum is going to send it to you later.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Can’t wait to see it 🙂

  9. 1.I like the word kind because it does not make people fight
    2. Loving people is hard because sometime they are annoying.
    3.We were created by God.
    4. I feel peaceful because no one will distract me.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Very thoughtful answers, well done!

  11. I am a saint when I kind to my friends and family. I am a saint when i help my brothers. especially when he needed help with peppers so I offered help. I can be become a better saint if I am able to help more people and become a better pserson

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done, it is so important to help others 🙂

  13. Which words do you like best and why?
    Love, gentle and kindness because that is what Jesus taught us and how God wants us to be.
    Which things are hardest and why?
    It is easy to be patient and kind to my friends. It is harder when someone is not my friend or a bully.
    What does St Paul say is important?
    That you are God’s children
    How do you think you feel when you are at peace and when the love of Jesus fills your mind?

  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    Very good answers Finley. I agree, it is much harder to love someone if they are mean to us. But it is so important to try 🙂

  15. 1. Peaceful, love and forgiving
    2. Being gentle is hard because some people get angry easily as we are all different and also, some people have some types of health problems.
    3. The important thing is that we are all God’s children
    4. When it is peaceful, I feel more relaxed, calm and concentrated.

    1. I am God’s saint when I do good things to other people as when I am kind, I am doing it to God.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Sophie. Doing good things to others is definitely what God would have wanted.

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