Year 6 have been learning a lot and enjoying a range of activities during ‘Anti-Bullying Week’.

On Monday, many of us remembered to wear odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness and to remind us to love and respect everyone for their differences. We also enjoyed the whole school assembly to launch Anti-Bullying Week.

On Tuesday, this week’s child-led worship team led Year 6 and Year 2 in a special prayer for our friends and gave us the mission to look out for people who are lonely and ask them to play.

On Wednesday, we had a special workshop about friendship with Iris from MIND and on Thursday, we had a special workshop about bullying with Wendy from Kidscape .

Today, after an assembly to consolidate all that we had learnt, we each wrote Anti-Bullying pledges to show how we will ‘Make a noise about Bullying’ in our class, in the school and in the wider world.

We know that each one of us is important in making the world a kinder place.  As St. Francis of Assisi said: ‘A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.’

What did you learn during ‘Anti-Bullying Week’, Year 6?

19 comments on “Anti-Bullying Week in Year 6

  1. I learnt that even though sometimes you say things that you think are a joke, it might be an insecurity someone else doesn’t find funny and doesn’t want to talk/joke about. #ANTIBULLYINGWEEK

  2. Isabella ♥️♥️ says:

    I learned in this lesson that you should only say stop once and then they should stop. I also learned the difference between banter and bullying.

  3. Somtimes you might joke but it can hurt somone feelings . There are different types of ways to bully. You can get bullied by words or physical or cyber bullying . To not bully you should Never leave people out think about what you are going to say and if it’s okay . Never be fake to each other . If you see anyone being bullied #MAKE A NOISE ABOUT BULLYING

  4. I learnt that it is worse to be a bystander than the bully themselves. You shouldn’t stand looking. You should be an up stander to help the target but it doesn’t always mean to fight -sometimes it means to tell a trusted adult for example it could be a teacher in school or your dad or mum, it can be anyone you trust.

  5. I learnt to be an upstander not a bystander. You should always tell a trusted adult but you shouldn’t get involved.

  6. I liked learning about bullying. I learned that you should never bully someone and don’t just watch if someone is getting bullied do something about it.

  7. Rex🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓 says:

    I learnt about the difference between banter and bullying, and when it crosses the line. #ANTIBULLYINGWEEK

  8. Last week we learned about bullying, but actually I learned that the worst form of bullying is when your a bystander. Thats when someone watches a bully, bully another child and doesn’t do anything about it

  9. I have learnt that we should all be a upstander not a bystander. A upstander is a person who reports bullying and doesnt watch but a bystander watches and doesnt do anything. Always be a upstander.

  10. We had a lot of lessons about antibullying and I liked doing the posters and talking about what to do.

  11. I learned a lot in anti bullying week. It made me realise that bullies are everywhere. I also learned that bullies will do for fun and we must stop them. We should try our best to make a noise about bullying.

  12. I fully understood with how to handle bullying and I greatly agreed with the methods such a keeping calm and replying the same way. You should never be a bystander.

  13. In antibullying week, I learnt that you should be a upstander not a bystander because that is not helping and is also part of bullying if you do nothing about it.

  14. It was really helpful to learn about the different types of bullying as it helped me to understand how to stop it.

  15. In anti-bullying week I learned a lot about what do if someone is bullying you. It was so fun when the visitors came in and we got to do lots of activities.

  16. Catherine yr6 says:

    During Antibullying Week, I learnt how important it is to always speak out to a trusted adult or friend as they can help you in some sort of way. They can give you sympathy, comfort and they can help you stand up to a bully. They could be your parents, teachers, friends or other trusted people.

  17. During Anti-Bullying Week I learnt to be an UPSTANDER, not a BYSTANDER. Miss told us that sometimes we have to do the right thing, not the easy thing.

  18. I learnt that you shouldn’t be scared to tell someone about bullying and that banter can easily become bullying if the target (the one that the comments are aimed at) is not enjoying it but you are and you keep on doing it.

  19. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Cool posters with great messages about Anti Bullying. Great work Y6!

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