For enterprise week Year 5 became co-founders of the company ‘Made to Create’, a company making origami animals and selling them for as much profit as possible. Pupils from across the whole school were our customers and at £1 per origami animal, we offered great value for money. Enterprise week was extremely successful for us and after subtracting our expenses from the total income, we made an excellent profit of £77.03!

Enterprise week began with voting for the type of product we would like to sell and we chose to market all three animal options: dogs, jumping frogs and butterflies. Each of us came up with ideas for company names and slogans, thinking about how to make it catchy and memorable after we looked at real-life examples of slogans to help inspire us. After generating a lot of excellent ideas for company names and slogans, we voted for our favourites:

Made 2 Create: little folds, big fun!!

Our next job was to create an eye catching logo. Take a look at some of the brilliant ideas we came up with below:

This is the logo we decided to use to promote our new company, Made 2 Create!

Now that we had made our votes for slogan and company name, we had data which we could analyse and demonstrate visually. So for Maths, we converted our data into tally charts, pictograms and bar charts and we discussed the pros and cons of each graph. We decided that the most effective graph was the bar chart because the data was easier to compare. We also prepared ourselves for working with money later in the week by using our strategies for addition and subtraction to solve multi step word problems involving money.

Very kindly, parents visited the class to generously share their time and tell us about their own careers and it was fascinating to hear about their experiences. Alex told us all about what it’s like to be a pilot; Amanda gave us an insight into the world of theatre and Performing Arts; and Macarena shared with us what is involved in working for Heinz.

We had a lot of fun producing the video and everyone generated ideas for persuasive statements, commands, rhetorical questions and scenarios that could be acted out. We had to think about what makes an advert persuasive and we decided that we needed exciting vocabulary, bossy commands, emotive language and funny scenarios to engage the viewers.

Once the advert was produced, it was time to share it with the rest of the school along with the adverts made by each of the other classes and look forward to receiving our orders. We allowed each customer the opportunity to customise their product by selecting the animal and the colour. With each member of the class making three (or sometimes four!) products each, we completed the orders in no time and therefore had lots of time to decorate the products in our unique creative ways!

We actually found that we had accidentally made too many products so we had a surplus of nine origami animals. This was a wonderful opportunity to offer reduced price stock (50% off) for our ‘closing down’ sale. There was no shortage of eager Year 5 customers who brought in 50p on the Friday to take advantage of the closing down sale.

On the final day, we took time to evaluate the success of our enterprise and consider how we used our learning powers (resilience, resourcefulness, reciprocity and reflectiveness), which were so necessary throughout the process of enterprise week. What a fantastic week enterprise week was and now we have to decide what to spend our £77 for Year 5!

10 comments on “Enterprise Week in Year 5!

  1. Catherine Yr6 says:

    Seems lovely! Hope Year 5 enjoyed this!!!

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Wow Year 5! Those are some amazing logos! I loved your origami animals. Your advert was great- that’s why I bought one too!

  3. I loved enterprise week in year five. My favourite part of enterprise week was when parents came in to help us make our product. Mr Aitken made our enterprise week amazing and I am thankful that he made it like that.

  4. That looks very fun. I hope you enjoyed it.😄

  5. Florence Y3 says:

    I loved your frog design!

  6. I really loved Enterprise Week. On the Friday before Enterprise Week Mr Aitken told us we we’re going to make origami, I was so excited because I knew I could make it.

  7. I loved it. Thank you.

  8. I love the frog!

  9. I love the green frog

  10. They look great year 5! Great job.

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