We have been really impressed with all your hard work during the school closure. Well done-we are very proud of you!

As we are welcoming many classes back to school, we have made some changes to the school blogs to allow teachers to support their returning classes.

English and Maths blogs will now be set weekly on Mondays.

For English tasks, teachers will provide lessons using the Talk for Writing resources by Pie Corbett. A workbook will be provided at the beginning of the week for pupils to build on a range of English skills. Teachers will provide a guide of possible lessons that can be completed each day. There will be flexibility with when pupils complete their English tasks as they will be attending school at different times during the week.

Weekly Maths tasks will include a Maths No Problem chapter for pupils to work through during the week. Pupils are expected to complete at least one or two worksheets each day when they are not in school. Please encourage your child to use the Maths No Problem website where they will be able to access the textbook resource. This will provide guidance and appropriate methods to use for each task.

Work completed for both English and Maths can be uploaded to the blog throughout the week where teachers will continue to provide feedback on pupils work. In addition, support and challenges will be available on these blogs to support pupils learning.

For other curriculum subjects a daily blog will be posted.

The Wednesday Word will remain a weekly whole school blog.

All class blogs are now password protected.  Please contact the school office if you have forgotten  the password.

We look forward to seeing all children together on the Zoom chats.These will continue every Wednesday with the exception of Year 5 who will have their call on Fridays. The weekly calls will enable pupils who are not able to return to school the opportunity to speak with their teacher and peers, and for children in different bubbles to stay in touch with their friends.

As well as your school work and the Class Chats, there are lots of fun and interesting things you can do on the internet and it can be a great way to stay in touch with friends. But it is important to understand how to stay safe online.

LGfL has produced some top tips for parents to help keep children safe online.

Childline has some helpful advice for children.


  • Think before you post
    Don’t upload or share anything you wouldn’t want your parents, carers, teachers or future employers seeing. Once you post something, you lose control of it, especially if someone else screenshots or shares it.
  • Don’t share personal details
    Keep things like your address, phone number, full name, school and date of birth private, and check what people can see in your privacy settings. Remember that people can use small clues like a school logo in a photo to find out a lot about you.
  • Watch out for phishing and scams
  • Phishing is when someone tries to trick you into giving them information, like your password. Someone might also try to trick you by saying they can make you famous or that they’re from a talent agency. Never click links from emails or messages that ask you to log in or share your details, even if you think they might be genuine. If you’re asked to log into a website, go to the app or site directly instead
  • Think about who you’re talking to
    There are lots of ways that people try to trick you into trusting them online. Even if you like and trust someone you’ve met online, never share personal information with them like your address, full name, or where you go to school. Find out more about grooming.
  • Keep your device secure
    Make sure that you’re keeping your information and device secure.
  • Never give out your password
    You should never give out your password or log-in information. Make sure you pick strong, easy to remember passwords.
  • Cover your webcam
    Some viruses will let someone access your webcam without you knowing, so make sure you cover your webcam whenever you’re not using it.

If you are ever worried or have  a problem, just tell your parents or a teacher and we will help you. You can also post a comment on the school Worry Box.

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