Year 3 have had a brilliant first week back at school and have been doing lots of fun activities to kick off our new term!

Monday and Tuesday were our citizenship and locality days where we thought about our local area/community in Geography and PSHE. In Geography we used an aerial photograph of Marylebone to identify key landmarks around our school including: St. James’ Church, Paddington Street Gardens and Marylebone High Street. In PSHE Year 3 discussed our responsibilities as citizens of our local community and came up with ideas of what we could do to look after our local area including people who might be neglected such as the elderly, homeless and disabled, as well as how we can protect the environment.

On Monday we also created our Class Charter based on the articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). We thought about what the articles mean and which articles we would like to uphold in our classroom and chose 4 which we thought were very important. Everyone then decided on statements which both children and adults should strive for to ensure we protect these rights.

Later on in the week we began our new class text: ‘The First Drawing’ by Mordicai Gerstein and made inferences about life cave paintings and used modal verbs to describe what life might have been like for children in the stone age.

In Mathematics we began our new topic: Place Value within 1000 and practiced partitioning/representing numbers up to 1000 and counting in 100s.

Year 3 began their Catholic Social Teaching learning based on the first strand: Care for Creation. We read quotes from the Holy Bible about how God created the Earth and gave it to us as a special gift. We also read quotes from Pope Francis’ letter ‘Laudato Si’ which explains that we should protect the world for future generations and use its resources to benefit everyone.

What a busy jam packed first week Year 3! You have all done incredibly well and I am so proud of you all. Enjoy a restful weekend!

10 comments on “First week of Year 3!

  1. Florence Y3 says:

    I had a fantastic first week in Year 3 and so far my favourite lesson is PE even though it was sunny.

  2. Wow year 3, you have been extremely busy this week. I hope you are loving your new class and teacher. I look forward to seeing you around school-by the way I love your class charter board, very colourful.

  3. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I’ve had the most amazing first week of Year 3. Thank you Mr. Kersys for organising a wonderful fun week.

  4. Liana, Gino’s Mum. says:

    Looks like a wonderful first week was had! Thank you all for being so welcoming and kind to Gino, he has thoroughly enjoyed it:)

  5. I really liked my first week. What I liked most was PE, maths and English.

  6. Miss Coleman says:

    I hope you all enjoyed a good rest this weekend after such a busy start to Key Stage 2.

  7. My mum loved the class charter. It was indeed and amazing first week. I was missing all my friends and also curious to know how Year 3 would be.
    I had a great start! Thank you Mr. kersys.

  8. Alexandra's mum says:

    The class charter is so colourful and adorable! The cutest superheroes! Great job Y3!
    Alexandra has been telling me all about her activities in class. Sounds very interesting and fun!

  9. I loved the first week of year 3 . It was fantastic!

  10. Year three your first week sounds fantastic. I think you’re going to have a fantastic year with Mr Kersys.

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