In our Religious Education lessons, we have been learning about our mission.

As Catholics, we want to follow Jesus’ teachings to love each other and look after each other and our world. St Vincent de Paul is very special to us at our school and we are always looking to him as a role model. He spent lots of his time looking after children and the poor and this is why we also want to help the homeless and donate to the foodbank. The Pupil Chaplaincy team members shared with the rest of the class what they had learnt about as Caritas Ambassadors and the preferential option for the poor. They shared that as Catholics, we need to go out of our way to make sure that everyone has the same opportunities and have a good place to live and food to eat. 

We thought about the charities that we support at school and why these charities are important to us. We realised that we support a lot of charities including Cafod, GOSH, Westminster Foodbank, St Mungo’s and WWF. 

2 comments on “Our Mission

  1. I really enjoyed doing this topic and I liked it when we did the first lesson which was writing about charity’s and I think mission stands for we all need to a task to help charity’s be in a better place.

  2. Fleur Brennan says:

    How inspiring this wonderful school chaplaincy is. Thank you for promoting it, St Vincent’s. What a wonderful way of carrying out our church’s call to heed the cry of the poor and find joy in helping other people. I was so impressed when my granddaughter, Ophelia, told me about it, and we discussed the pictures.

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