Nursery were so thrilled when Class 3 came to visit us to lead Collective Worship. This was a special time for both classes to come together to hear the word of God, reflect and think about how we can live in His way.

To begin, Class 3 talked to Nursery about the special objects they had brought with them to put on the prayer mat. We said the school prayer to thank God for ourselves, our friends and family.

We sat in a circle and had some quiet time to think and focus on our breathing. As we breathed in, we breathed in God’s peace. As we breathed out, we breathed out any worries to help us to be still inside and out.

Today’s reading was taken from the book of Romans (12: 3-10), focusing on the word of Love. “Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another.” It taught us about showing kindness to others, and to hold on to the good that we see. We remembered to love one another and show respect.

We then had some quiet time to close our eyes and reflect on the Word we had heard, praying quietly in our hearts asking God to help us to choose the right ways to make others happy.

To take this message away with us we will try and think about the ways we can be more like Jesus, spreading the word of God through prayer and discussion with our families. Our aim of the mission is to be an example of Jesus,  to help someone in need, share with someone, be kind and patient and to look after our world.

To end our worship together, we said the Hail Mary, a very special and important prayer that Class 3 have been learning and practicing very well.

Thank you Class 3 for leading this special Collective Worship in our classroom today, Nursery had a great time to reflect and learn more about the mystery of God.



5 comments on “Paired Child-Led Collective Worship

  1. So fun! I hope nursery enjoyed it.

  2. Mrs Knowler says:

    We did enjoy it, thank you Rosa.

  3. This looks lovely – well done everyone

  4. I hope everyone had fun!

  5. 🌌Rosa🌌 says:

    Well done P, M, K, and A.
    You were really good role models to nursery while doing the child led worship

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