Year 1 had such an excellent day at the science museum! After travelling there via bus we arrived at the museum and split into two groups. Each group did the same fun activities, just in a different order. The activities were:

  • A Destination Space workshop- we set off to space by making ourselves really small so that we would fit into the space shuttle. Once we were on the space shuttle we talked about what we can eat and drink, and how we have to reuse lots of things (this includes dirty water). We saw how to filter dirty water to make it clean. We practiced our space walk, and saw how to use an anti-gravity machine. I even got to practice walking like there was no gravity by doing exercise with weights on my ankles! We looked at how the astronauts have to go outside the international space station if there is something that needs fixing. We watched a short video showing us the view from the space station before returning back to Earth
  • We visited the Exploring Space gallery, where we saw an astronauts costume, gloves and helmet. We also saw a replica of the Eagle (the shuttle that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon with) and sketched a drawing of it. We saw lots of rockets and how they have changed over time
  • Our final gallery was the Modern World gallery. As we have been looking at explorers in Year 1, we saw different ways that explorers have explored the world. We saw old trains, ships, planes and cars.
  • We also loved having our packed lunch all together!


10 comments on “The Science Museum

  1. Wow Year 1! I had a great time!!!

  2. I’m glad you liked our photos Ethan! We did have a great time.

  3. Gabriella Y6 says:

    I hoped you guys enjoyed going to the Science Museum as you guys look like you had an amazing time.

  4. We had a really great time thank you Gabriella!

  5. Genesis y1 says:

    I like to learn and going on school trips but this one is my favourite.

  6. I am so glad you learnt something on this trip Genesis! We had such a fun day.

  7. Graceanne y6 says:

    It seems that you guys had a nice time. The best place to go is the Science Museum.

  8. I agree Graceanne- thank you!

  9. I hope you enjoyed the science museum and you all learnt alot, I really enjoyed the science museum when I went!

  10. The science museum is really good.
    I hope you enjoyed it.

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