In Year 2, we love PE!

We are so lucky to have the coaches from Queen’s Park Rangers football club teaching us PE. Recently, our focus has been team building. We have been learning all about different strategies to encourage one another and work well as a team. We know that these skills are really important to focus on, as they then help us with our sports that we love in Year 2.

Lots of us are very keen footballers and we have shown that we can work incredibly well with others to think of different strategies in games, which are skills we need in football! We have played Capture the Bean Bag, which meant that we had to organise our groups in a way that was logical. We had to think about the best way to defend our bean bags, whilst also having others on the attacking side. We shared our strengths and were able to encourage other teams at the same time.

We have also been working together to create assault courses, which ensure that we are thinking about the best way to build a manageable, interesting and fun course. As a class, we have enjoyed working with others, and next week, we will be demonstrating to others, how to complete our courses. This means that we will be using our communication skills, which we know are also really valuable, to ensure that other children can succeed!

6 comments on “Phenomenal PE in Year 2!

  1. I absolutely loved this ! I wonder what you’ll be doing in PE next term. I hope you have a wonderful Easter Holiday !

  2. I loved making obstacle courses on the roof. It was very fun!

  3. I’ve loved PE so far.

    Thank you.

  4. In PE, we communicated with our groups to make an obstacle course. Everyone did fantastic, they were jumping in the hoops, walking along the ropes, and running around the cones. I had so much fun.

  5. I LOVE PE

  6. I loved doing PE but it was challenging when we did obstacles, particularly when we did jumping over hurdles.

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