Hello Year 5,

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

I really enjoyed reading your character descriptions of Pog. Well done to all of you! Please don’t forget to go back to the blog and check my comments where I have left individual feedback for each of you 🙂

As you know, I work part-time (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays), so Miss Coleman and Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I will continue to prepare the blogs for you and will definitely look at them when I am back online on Friday (my usual working day).

Today’s English focus is: Reading (Comprehension).

For English, we will continue to look at the extract of the book ‘Pog’.


An extract means it is not the whole book, but part of it. Today we will continue to look at the Prologue. You can read the Prologue by clicking on this blue link here: POG PROLOGUE. Have a look at the task below. You can click on the image to make it larger.

Please answer in the blog comment section below.

If you would like to continue reading on to chapter 1, you can read it here: POG CHAPTER 1

After you have read Chapter 1, tell me what you thought of the end of Chapter 1. How did you feel? What is it about the author’s style of writing and the use of language that had this affect on you? Were you surprised?

What do you predict will happen next and why do you think the author chose not to feature Pog in Chapter 1?

If anybody does end up getting their hands on this book, please let us know what you thought of it!

Also, don’t forget to keep recommending books you have been reading at home on our Reading Blog.

We look forward to reading your responses,

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

You can find the printable version of this blog here: Monday Week 2 English

Please think about the environment and only print this if you need to 🙂

45 comments on “English – Reading (Mon 27.4.20)

  1. Hello Everyone! ?
    I hove you all are well and I hope you are all staying safe ?
    For Today’s English task I have read the POG PROLOGUE these are the answers for the questions above!

    1) POG could smell Human sent.
    2) POG saw a little girl sitting on the old stump.
    3) The closest meaning to ‘forbidden’ is illegal.

    I hope you all have an amazing day ???????

  2. Thanks Elena. Could you have a go at the challenge?

  3. Ms Robertson says:

    Good morning everyone!
    After reading chapter 1, I feel sad for the family because it is now apparent that the children have lost their mother and the father his wife. It was a surprise, as the author seared me to think that the mother was arriving in person that day alive! I did feel a little curious in the beginning of the chapter as to – why wasn’t the mother with the family, unpacking at the house in the first instance?

  4. Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. These are my answers.
    1) Pog smelt a human scent.
    2) Pog saw a girl with dark curly hair sitting on the old stump.
    3) The word forbidden is the closest to b) illegal.

  5. Thanks Ayako. Could you have a go at the challenge?

  6. On page 1 Pog could smell a human scent. This scent was a lost lonely girl who Pog then guides home.

    Weeping like all was over, Pog wandered over to the lonely girl unsure whether this was a good idea. Was he to reveal himself? She had beautiful curls and Pog was a friend ,no foe. Her floods of tears streamed down her face. Confused by the sight, Pog was used to patrolling the surroundings, not passing by to find children crying for they were lost.

    Forbidden = I think that the answer is b.
    I felt quite calm until the ending as there was a sudden suprise. I really liked the style as the author introduces the scene and characters and gets engages the reader , however at the end of the chapter everthing changes.
    I think the author chose not to feature Pog in chapter 1 because they are moving to a new area and the author is trying to get the reader to understand the move and how they will not know many people however, when they meet Pog ,he will become very important to them in their new environment.

  7. Thank you Regan for explaining the author’s motives!

  8. Hello everyone! I hope your day has been good so far!
    For today’s task I are up with these answers- have a look:

    1. Pog could smell humans.

    2. Pog saw a human sitting on the old stump.

    3. Forbidden is the closest to meaning “illegal”.



    When I read chapter one- I felt sorrowful ?. This is because of the relationship the children had with each other and the relationship they had with their parent.

    Have a GREAT day ??

  9. I feel sorrowful too! What do you predict will happen next?

  10. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Nika!
    Sorrowful – great use of vocabulary.

    1. Pog could smell a human scent.
    2. Pog saw a human child sitting on the old stump.
    3. The word forbidden is closest in meaning to illegal.
    At the end of chapter 1 I felt very surprised and shocked. When the author said that their mum was in Ipswich I thought that she was driving to the house and had just got lost but a delivery came and it turns out it was an urn and their mum was dead. The author’s use of language made me think this.
    I predict that Penny and David will meet Pog in the forest one day and they will become friends and have adventures together. I think the author chose not to mention Pog in chapter 1 because he has already mentioned Pog in the Prologue so we know a bit about him and he wants to introduce some new characters. I also think the author chose not to mention Pog because the new characters do not know about him yet.

  12. Excellent explanation of the author’s motives. Yes, I agree – I also think the author wants us to be introduced to the other characters first so that we can see their links with Pog.

  13. Ms Robertson says:

    Great predictions Theo – my thoughts are very similar to yours.

  14. 1. Pog could smell a human.
    2. Pog saw a girl with dark curly hair
    3. The word forbidden is closest to illegal

  15. Thanks Olivia. What do you think will happen next?

  16. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Olivia!
    Did you enjoy reading the first chapter of Pog?
    Was it a surprise to find out that the children’s mother was actually dead? What do you predict will happen next?

  17. Hello everyone. Here are my answers for the comprehension today.

    1)Pog could smell human in the forest.

    2)Pog saw a girl with dark, curly hair and she was sobbing into her hands broken-hearted.

    3)Forbidden is the closest meaning to b)illegal.


    I predict that the girl ,who Pog saved, would bring Pog to her home at least a couple of times a week as Pog still needs to patrol the forest. I think the author chose not to mention Pog in chapter 1 because perhaps they want the reader to know Penny’s family as we already know a bit about Pog from the prologue.

    Thank you for reading. I hope you have a lovely rest of the day. 😀 ;P

  18. Great predictions Renew. I like how you included a clause in your sentence too 🙂

  19. page 1
    POG could smell a human.
    He saw a little girl crying on the stump.
    page 3
    Forbidden is the closest meaning to illegal.
    chapter 1
    I felt sad and sorry for the whole family.
    I thought that the mother was still alive
    because the author made the style of the
    writing make it sound as if the mother
    was still alive. I was definitely surprised
    when I found out that the mother was dead.

  20. I was very surprised too! How do you think the author achieved this?

  21. Hi everyone hope you’re having a lovely day. This is my piece of work.
    1. POG smelt a human scent.
    2. POG saw a human child on the old stumps, a girl with dark curly hair.
    3. The closest meaning to forbidden is illegal.
    I didn’t think their mum was dead at the beginning but then I realised she was dead at the end when the removal man gave them the urn. I felt sad for them, and was also surprised to hear that their mum was dead. The affect that the author’s writing had on me was that at the beginning, the author made me think that they were just sad that they were moving away from there friends, but at the end when I found out that their mum was dead I felt bad for their family.

  22. I felt the same too 🙁

  23. Hello everyone, how are you? Right now i am enjoying my tenth birthday i am having a lovely day despite quarantine! Hope that you are all good, Lavinia


  25. Happy birthday Lavinia! ????

  26. Hello everyone!
    Page 1:
    1- Pog could smell a human scent.
    2- Pog could see a human girl with dark curly hair sobbing in her hands, sitting on the old stump.
    Page 3:
    The word “forbidden” is the closest in meaning to illegal.
    Chapter 1:
    I felt sad for Penny as her mother died and Penny had thought that they were going to live happily in their new house. He also made me want to read on as, at the end of the chapter, he uses short sentences that leave things unexplained and mysterious. His last words “Mum’s dead” made me ask questions such as ‘how? when? where?’. Something that surprised me was that Penny and David’s mum was the girl that Pog had helped find her way home in the prologue thirty years before.
    I predict that Penny and David will find Pog and will become friends. I think the author didn’t feature Pog in chapter 1 so that the reader wants to read on to know what Pog became and what he did.

  27. Thank you for your detailed explanations on how the author’s style led us to believe his mum was alive at first. Well done!

  28. Hi everyone hope you’re all okay ?

    1.) POG could smell Humans.

    2.) POG saw a little girl sitting on an old stump.

    3.) The word ‘forbidden’ is the closest meaning to ‘illegal’

    After I read POG chapter 1 I felt so devastated because the children’s mum was dead. It was a shock to the system when I found out the mum died. The author sure does know how to use a cliffhanger!

    I predict that the children will run away from home and go into the forest because they hate that their mum is dead. The children will encounter
    something frightening and run away so fast they will eventually get lost because they have panicked. I think the book will be thrilling for the reader.

  29. Thank you for sharing how you felt at the end of the chapter- it really was a shock! What is it about the author’s style of language or use of punctuation that made you feel this way?

  30. Violette Thomas says:

    Hello everyone ,
    I hope you are all alright !! 🙂
    These are the answers for the questions :
    1*POG can smell humans .

    2*POG saw the little girl on the stump.

    3* The meaning to ‘forbidden’ is illegal.
    ——————————————————————————————— Challenge :
    I predict their mum is dead, which is just horrible for kids, so theyran away in the forest and get lost. I also think POG will try to find their way home, but they will be frightened and they will try to ran away. Then, POG will try to show he is nice and he will help them. Finally, the boys will stay with POG and they will live together .

  31. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your sensible predictions 🙂

  32. Good Afternoon everyone, I hope that you enjoyed your weekend. These are my answers for the task:

    1.Pog can smell and human scent.
    2.Pog saw a young,human girl with dark, curly hair.
    3.The word forbidden is closest to illegal.

    Chapter 1:

    I felt very sorry for the girl as her mother is gone and she doesnt get along with her brother, and never really knows what to say when around her Father. The authors writing made feel something for the characters and makes me able to put myself in their shoes. I was suprised when I realised that her mom is dead and it is actually just a urn with her ashes in it. I dont know what a urn was so I looked it up and saw that it is where you put someones ashes. I get now why she was so inpatient to get the box.

  33. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I agree- the author has been very successful in allowing us to empathise with the characters.

  34. Comprehension answers:
    1) Pog could smell human scent.

    2) Pog saw a little girl sobbing on a stump.

    3) The closest meaning to ‘forbidden’ is illegal.

    I felt a bit surprised at the end because when the author said that their mum was coming after lunch, I thought that she was going to drive from Ipswich but instead it was a delivery which was an urn containing their mum’s ashes. One of the authors style of writing is he makes you think something will happen but actually something completely different happens such as when the delivery man came, I thought that it was just some random delivery but actually, it was an ern with their mum’s ashes.

    I predict that Penny and David will go into the dark forest again like they did before. Then they hear the rattling noise that they’d heard the other day in the bushes and Pog comes out. At first, Penny and David are really frightened of Pog but then they become friends with him.
    I think that the author doesn’t mention Pog in chapter one because maybe he wants us to read on to know who Pog is. He might just want to introduce the children and where they are.

  35. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Very good point, Marco. The author made it seem as if the mum was alive and coming after lunch but we didn’t realise until the end that she was dead and he was referring to the ashes! I was really shocked at the end. Thanks for your predictions

  36. 1) Pog could smell human scent.
    2)Pog saw a little girl with dark, curly hair.
    3) The word forbidden is closest to the meaning illegal.

    I think the author chose not to feature Pog in chapter 1 as the chapter was mostly about Penny, David and their dad moving to a new place. I predict that Pog will come later in the book and have some sort of value or importance to them.

  37. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Yes, I agree with you there Tom!

  38. Hello everybody, here are my answers for the comprehension.

    1) POG can smell human scent.

    2) Sitting on the old stump, POG saw a human child.

    3) The word ‘forbidden’ is closest in meaning to b) illegal.


    At the start the start of chapter 1, the author really made me feel like the mum was alive but near the end of the chapter I realised that she was either an object or dead. When I read this I felt sorry for the family but I felt more sorry for Penny, it seemed like she just didn’t fit in.


    I predict that once Penny and David have settled into the house they will go exploring and find POG. Then they will have an adventure with POG either to fight something bad or just meet him and play with him like It in Five Children and It. Finally I think the mum was the little girl in the prologue and that will have something to do with the story.

  39. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow, I’m really impressed with the links you have made between the prologue and what you predict to happen. Thank you Zavan for your valuable contributions 🙂

  40. Ms Robertson says:

    Zavan – you’re very smart!

  41. Ms Robertson says:

    We will have to wait and see if your predictions are right – Zavan!

  42. Hi everyone.
    1. Pog can smell humans.
    2. He saw a human girl with dark ,curly hair crying.
    3. Forbidden means illegal.

    I like the authors style and descriptive language, good words and onomatopoeia. I also like the short sentences that cause suspense and I also like the adjectives he/she use. Also I like the end sentence that causes surprise and suspense and I like how he/she describe the brambles and bushes.
    I think the author chose not to mention Pog in the first chapter because Penny is going to go to the forest in Chapter 2 and become friends with Pog.

  43. Thank you for identifying the figurative language used, Sara!

  44. Ms Robertson says:

    Happy belated birthday Lavinia!
    I hope you had a wonderful day… ????????

  45. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Tommaso!
    Value or importance – great use of vocabulary! Yes, I agree with your prediction too.

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