At St. Vincent’s we truly value the partnership between school and parents. If you cannot find the information you need on this website please contact the school office and we will be happy to help you.

If parents or carers ever have any queries or concerns, a member of staff is always willing to meet to listen and try to find a resolution. As a school team we try our best and work really hard to provide a high quality education for the pupils but are always looking for ways to improve. All constructive feedback is warmly welcomed. We encourage honest, open dialogue and it is important that we work together, providing positive role models for the children. The school usually sends home an annual questionnaire every June which has some set questions and an area for comments to explain your ideas further or make any comments not covered by the questions. We always appreciate the high response to this and find it a valuable exercise.

Together through Christ we grow and learn

If any parents are interested in volunteering in Westminster, please see the poster below.