Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
At St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, we strive to meet the needs of all pupils within our school. All staff are aware of SEND within the school and receive high quality information and training. We aim to quickly identify pupils, who are making limited progress and provide targeted interventions and support to meet their needs. We ensure that parents are fully aware of the SEND process and informed of their child’s learning regularly throughout the year. We are a fully inclusive school and have strong links with the Local Authority, Health Professionals and organisations within our community. We aim to continue to learn, develop and grow our understanding of SEND across the school to meet the needs of all pupils within our care.
If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office office@stvincentsprimary.org.uk
Mrs Duffy
SEND Coordinator
SEND Parent Leaflet
Main Areas of SEND
If your child has been identified as SEND, it will be determined which of the four areas, will be their main area of need. We promote the ethos of Quality First Teaching within school, to adapt and meet learning needs. We will then follow the process of Assess-plan-do-review alongside parents/carers, to determine the next steps for your child.
Schools can help most children and young people overcome barriers to their learning by making simple adaptations to an activity or additional providing resources to assist them with their learning. Some children will need extra help for some or all of their time at school, in one or more areas of their learning. This could include but is not limited to:
· Communication and Interaction Needs – in expressing themselves or understanding and processing what others are saying
· Cognition and Learning Needs – difficulties in acquiring basic skills in their learning or specific learning difficulties with reading, writing, maths or understanding and processing information
· Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs – this could involve difficulties making friends/ relating to adults / regulating their emotions or behaviour, difficulties with their mental health
· Sensory and/or Physical Needs – such as a hearing impairment/visual impairment, physical difficulties which might affect them accessing their learning, or a sensory overload in one or more area
· Medical or health conditions – which may slow down a child’s or young person’s progress and/or involves treatment that affects his or her education.
For further information please refer to our SEN Information Report, SEN Policy and Inclusion Policy below.
External support and Services
Below are some useful websites and organisations that may provide support and further understanding of your child’s needs. Please speak to Mrs Duffy, if you require further support and/or information.
Westminster Local Offer
Autism & ADD/ADHD
Information Booklets – ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation
What is challenging behaviour? – Challenging Behaviour Foundation
PDA Society – Pathological Demand Avoidance – Part of the Autism Spectrum
Speech and Language
Westminster Speech and Language Service
Special Educational Needs and Disability
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Westminster Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services