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Our partner school is called Gyonodaya School.

Nepal 2They have classes 1-10 and the children are aged 6-15. It is a boarding school so most of the children stay there all night and all day.

They have four different uniforms! They all speak English and Nepali at school.

The Gyonadaya school is in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Nepal is in Asia and it takes a long time to get there. You have to fly to Delhi in India which takes 8 1/2 hours and then from Delhi to Kathmandu, Nepal which takes 1 1/2 hours.


Mrs Duffy and Miss Siswick went to Kathmandu in Nepal in 2013 to visit our partner school. Mrs Yakthumba and Mr Bhanu came from Nepal to London in 2014 to visit our School and meet all of the children.

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We are looking forward to welcoming Mr Chhetri from the Gyanodaya School in 2016.

In April 2015 there was a terrible earthquake in Nepal. Lots of people were injured or died and lots of people lost their homes.  Fortunately everyone at our partner school is safe but many of their school buildings were damaged.


We all took part in a sponsored run to raise money to help the Gyanodaya School. We had an ‘Own Clothes Day’ to raise money to help the people of Nepal to rebuild their buildings and their lives.

Our thoughts and prayers are with our friends at the Gyanodaya School and with all the people of Nepal.

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