Our intent is for children to be digitally literate and competent users of technology to in order to prepare them to become socially responsible and active participants in an ever changing digital world. Children will be able to use technology to learn, create, communicate and problem solve.
For more information, please click here for our Computing Policy
Click here to see our Computing KS1 and KS2 Curriculum Progression Map 2023-24
*Please note that while the EYFS curriculum does not include Computing, they use a range of technology to support their learning including using QR codes, iPads and BeeBots. The Maths curriculum lays the foundations of computational thinking and use of technology in this way provides the foundations for the KS1 and KS2 Computing curriculum. The EYFS do have online safety lessons (see Online Safety progression map below).
KS1 and KS2 use the Teach Computing Curriculum scheme to support their lessons. The Teach Computing Curriculum was created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation on behalf of the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE). The Teach Computing Curriculum is structured in units which are based on a spiral curriculum. This means that children are regularly revisiting the themes to consolidate and build on their prior learning.
Cultural Capital
To enhance our Computing curriculum, we regularly invite speakers and experts to lead workshops with different classes, including some who work for Microsoft and Adobe.
Online Safety
To keep up to date with the ever evolving internet, we supplement our Computing and RSE curriculum with online safety lessons every half term.
Click here to see our Online Safety EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Curriculum Progression Map 2023-24
We have different speakers who come and lead assemblies and workshops, and host coffee mornings for the parents. Our Online Safety page is kept up to date with current issues and advice.
Please click here to see our most recent Computing news posts, celebrating all the Computing learning that is taking place in the school.