At St. Vincent’s, we are lucky to be situated within the wonderful community of Marylebone. We are grateful to have developed many links with brilliant local businesses and groups.

HMT Treasury and Metro Bank

During Enterprise Week, we welcome visitors from HMT Treasury and Metro Bank. HMT Treasury lead a presentation into life in the Treasury and always answer many questions that the children have and Metro Bank teach the children about budgeting, taxes and careers within finance!



Lord’s Cricket Ground

We are lucky to work closely with Lord’s Cricket Ground. The community coaches provide CPD for teachers by team teaching PE lessons,

Year 6 have taken part in the Junior Leadership Programme where, following a few weeks of training, each week two children were given the task of planning, delivering and evaluating their own PE lesson. In addition, Lord’s Cricket Ground have provided taster sessions for parents to showcase some of the health and fitness work  taking place in school and also to provide ongoing fitness ideas for the school holidays. Furthermore, being welcomed to Lord’s Cricket Ground is a highlight for our children-we attend the Annual Community Carol Concert and The Spirit of Christmas day.

Hakkasan Restaurant

Earlier this year our school was very privileged to start working with Hakkasan restaurant in Mayfair. They delivered an amazing food tasting session as part of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Adopt a School program. Year 4 were visited by the chefs from Hakkasan restaurant to learn all about healthy eating-they looked at the different food groups, used their 5 senses to try new foods and learnt about the different tastes by looking at their taste buds!

October Gallery

We are lucky, that as a school, we have had many opportunities to visit the October Gallery in Holborn. Children from all year groups have taken part in lots of creative workshops such as: a Stone Age and Bronze Age workshop involving chalk, a Mexican art workshop focusing on abstract art influenced by Santos Motoapohua de la Torre, Jordan Ann Craig, Gonzalo Hernandez Carrillo and Antonio López Pinedo and a Clay Sculpture workshop focusing on the difference between African sculptures and Roman sculptures.

Queens College

We are grateful to Queen’s College who have welcomed us many times to their school. We have attended wonderful Science workshops, which have supported our topics, where we have looked under the microscope, made electrical circuits, investigated water resistance and even dissected sheep hearts!

In addition, we have attended art classes such as a ‘Wildlife sketching workshop’. Skunks, prairie dogs and degus joined the children for the afternoon and they had the opportunity to draw them!

Wallace Collection

We are lucky to be situated close to the Wallace Collection and have worked closely with them for many years. All classes take part in workshops which are designed to aid their creative writing.

Workshop titles have included; ‘Glitz and Glamour’ and ‘Secrets and Mysteries’!

The Wallace Collection’s Young Curators Programme was developed 2009. In 2009, for their inaugural event, the participating children selected works of art from the collection and organised a public exhibition entitled ‘Shhh…it’s a Secret!, the first of its kind in a National Museum.

The programme continues to prosper and every year the Young Curators give three public tours, presenting a new perspective of the collection through fresh, young eyes. Every term, the Young Curators, work on a different project and recently they wrote a book called ‘Adventures in the Wallace Collection: A Young Curators Storybook’. The book contains three tales, each one written collaboratively by a different year group, using the works of the Wallace Collection as inspiration.